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March 01, 2008


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Oooh, now I know what I'm going to do tomorrow!


Awww, kindness is king (queen, really). Love that you are living the Mrs. G life. Thanks for all the great info. I heart my addictively helpful google reader too.


If you actually compose your post in Word to begin with? It should - SHOULD - go right into your compose mode in Typepad, even though I don't have Typepad so technically don't know what I'm talking about. For a change.

I c+p from Word into Blogger and it works perfectly. If Typepad has an HTML tab plus a COMPOSE Tab, as Blogger does, try putting into the HTML tab.

For anyone using Blogger, it took me 200 years to figure this out: You can't c+p your post around while you're in compose mode. HOWEVER, if you go into the HTML tab, you can switch it around till you're happy.


Google Reader. *sigh* I almost had a heart attack just changing my blog layout. Trish (see my blogroll) had to stay on the phone with me and talk me down from the ceiling from which I was hanging by my fingernails.

Reluctant Blogger

Awww you are such a good soul sharing what you have learnt rather than keeping it to yourself and making the rest of us look sloppy and inferior.

I have never used Live Writer. Perhaps I should investigate. But I use Google Reader (although it is a mixed blessing I find) and I have a tracker for security reasons and yeah the search terms can often be very amusing. It has taught me to be very wary of using certain words on my blog as they get searched a lot and attract a lot of readers who are probably looking for some titillation rather than the sort of boring blog I keep!

Reluctant Blogger

Awww you are such a good soul sharing what you have learnt rather than keeping it to yourself and making the rest of us look sloppy and inferior.

I have never used Live Writer. Perhaps I should investigate. But I use Google Reader (although it is a mixed blessing I find) and I have a tracker for security reasons and yeah the search terms can often be very amusing. It has taught me to be very wary of using certain words on my blog as they get searched a lot and attract a lot of readers who are probably looking for some titillation rather than the sort of boring blog I keep!


This is so sweet of you--laying it all out for the rest of us! I've been aware of Google Reader for a while, but felt it was just TOO MUCH, so I've never bothered to investigate...thank you!


Okay...you have convinced me...I'm going to try this. I can do it. It's just going to take some time, so go ahead...ya'll just talk amongst yourselves while I play around on Google!!! :-D


Thanks for the info! I appreciate you taking the time to help out like this!I am still so tech. challenged that it isn't funny! I'm going to check out Google Reader and the live writer!

Marie J

This is SOOOOOO COOL!!!! I've been telling all my friends about google reader, it's AWESOME!

And you are right, now I can read MORE blogs!!! YIPPEE!!


Just look at you getting all technical and sharing the wealth! You SO rock!

Now, tell me how I can move my blog over to my own domain name...then you'll *really* rock!


I'm really going to have to look into this Google reader. Thanks for the "how to" help. I truly am technically challenged.



okay, i finally buckled and did reader today. totally worth the time to set up. i love it. good tip. and obviously i'm nearly catatonic with joy over bossy's visit. can. not. wait.


So COOL that you are going to get together with those hot bloggers!

Thanks for the instructions, oh technical one. :)


Awww, you are so sweet. I really must check out this stuff!

Manic Mommy

So, if you cut and paste word into Blogger's HTML it isn't all effed up? Hmmm. Also, good info on the Google Reader, I've got my blogs saved to feeder but it isn't the same.

Perhaps if there were some sort of convention perhaps in San Francisco, where mommy bloggers could convene to discuss (and drink wine). Hmmm.


Oh, how fun to meet up with all those bloggers! (Those are some good ones, there!)

Amy the Mom

Snapshots serves pretty much the same purpose for me-I just hover the cursor over the blogs in my daily link list and it shows the last update. Doesn't work on a couple of the more popular blogs, but does on everyone else.


I am addicted to my stat counter! Best idea EVER!
Oh and thanks for visiting my blog!

Smalltown Mom

Thanks for the hints. I just set up Google Reader. Yay!


I will be checking out Microsoft Live Writer and Google Reader. I was so frustrated when I started blogging with TypePad. I couldn't get the copy and paste from word to work and also wanted to throw my computer across the room... except I like my computer too much, so instead aimed colorful language at the screen hoping TypePad would hear. I never did get it to work and compose all my post at TypePad. I'm excited to see how Live Writer works. Thanks for imparting your blogging wisdom.

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  • Danger Boy
    20 years old, plays water polo for Gannon University in Erie, PA. He's the strong, silent type. Studying PoliSci.
  • Grown-up Girl
    Dr. GrownUp Girl is happily home after finishing pharmacy school in Chicago. Busy building a post-student life with Dr. GrownUp Guy.
  • GrownUp Guy
    GrownUp Girl's husband and a most-excellent son-in-law. Oh yeah, he's Dr. GrownUp Guy, PharmD.
  • Mr. Fix-it
    Husband and father extraordinaire. He is gone more than he is home, but all his frequent-flyer miles keep this big family connected.
  • MVP
    23 years old, graduate of Colorado State Fort Collins with a major in Wildlife Biology and a minor in sustainability. He lives in FoCo with his girlfriend, Mandy, and their dog Rosy.
  • Social Butterfly
    18 years old, attends Northern Arizona University, majoring in psychology. She's my snuggle bug.

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