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March 26, 2008


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Oh ... this story kinda made me feel sad. I'm glad you got the chicken back...


I'm sorry there are ill feelings associated with your mothers items, but you sure shared a beautiful sentiment, linking junk to treasure. Well done.

Don Mills Diva

Wow - obviously it was meant to be in your hands in the fist place.


How is your sister today?

I can just picture your grabbing this out of someone's hands. What a sad crack up. The situation doesn't warrant laughter, but sometimes you have to look back on life an laugh.



I am so glad you got the chicken. Why is it that the crackhead siblings think they're entitled to the same? My sister is always muttering about how I got half of Grandma's china (split the other half with my cousin). Well. Since she'd moved 8 times and no one knew her address when things were gifted, she was lucky to get anything at all!
The chicken seems like a blessed miracle to me. Now it comes with a story when it's passed on in 50 years:)


I am so glad you got the chicken. Why is it that the crackhead siblings think they're entitled to the same? My sister is always muttering about how I got half of Grandma's china (split the other half with my cousin). Well. Since she'd moved 8 times and no one knew her address when things were gifted, she was lucky to get anything at all!
The chicken seems like a blessed miracle to me. Now it comes with a story when it's passed on in 50 years:)


There is a lump in my throat after reading the story that goes with your picture.
Whoops! Here come the tears...

Manic Mommy

I have my grandmother's secretary in my diningroom. The drawers still smell like her house.

I can't picture my boys fighting over my priceless collection of...

Oh, whatever it was it will be long broken before I go. Or their wives will be saying "that?"


Your sister was a lot like my mom's sister. My mom always had to clean up the many messes her sister left behind, including leaving places unexpectedly and leaving everything she owned behind.

Although my great-grandma always made excuses for my aunt's behavior, she was wise enough to leave most valuables to my mom.

I admire your ability to walk up and take what rightfully belonged to you.


Wow. What an empowering moment. You seized this true treasure from what someone thought to be a junk pile.

Tootsie Farklepants

Thank goodness you happened to catch the yard sale!


I don't know why, but this made me incredibly sad. Sad mostly for your sister. I know it is just a chicken, but you clearly realized how much it meant to your mom.

I cherish so much of what my mom gives me because it represents pieces of her, her history. Ugh. Not to get all mushy, but my mom just made me her famous lamb cake for Easter. She wanted to send me her molds and I said NO! Not yet. I'm just not ready to think of her in terms of "her stuff" just yet . . .


Wow Jenn. You have such depth behind your words. I'm really looking forward to meeting you.

Glad you got your treasure back.


Jenn This is a great story. I am so glad you got it back!

The Mom Bomb

Sometimes those small objects take on such meaning . . .


that is a cool chicken.

i love the "this chicken belonged to my mother and i am taking it!" you go.

Mrs. G.

I am so glad that you drove by at just the right time and retrieved that chicken. There are all kinds of memories tied up in that bird.

Jennifer H

Things like that make my blood boil. I'm SO glad you got the chicken.


This story made me feel sad, too. And stomach clenching. I'm so glad you got the chicken back! Thanks for sharing the story - painful as it may be.


I can't believe she left it! Thus proving your point about not giving her anything I guess. I'm glad you took it back.


The best and worst seems to come out of people over the death of a loved one. I'm sorry she gave you her worst, but I'm glad you got the best (treasures from our loved ones mean so much, don't they?).


I know what you mean. Things are all I have left of my mother as well. It is so sad about your sister. How is she now?

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