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March 11, 2008


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2) LIB *sigh*
I'm no good for any of the others.

Tootsie Farklepants

#11 "Lost Boys"!!! Keifer was all kinds of HAWT in that movie.


Man, way to make a girl feel lame.
I'm out.

(Best of luck to all the smart ones.)


5) About a boy
7) On Golden Pond?
12) Shawshank Redemption

Am I right? Huh? Huh?
I SUCK at remembering movie quotes but I think I got those three. CHERI at BlogthisMom, will know them all I bet.


#7 is What's Eating Gilbert Grape, and it's one of my favorite movies too. I think I shed a tear when those words were said :-)


Is it Get Shorty?
I am terrible at remembeing movie lines.


1) isn't that "Honey I Shrunk the Kids" or something like that?

3) I've heard that one before, I just can't place it... it's a chick flick... "Notting Hill"?

13) Either "When Peggy Sue Got Married" or one of the Back to the Future movies.


3) Or When Harry Met Sally


Okay, I've got some homework for you over at my blog.

Jennifer H

I have got to see more movies. I couldn't get even one of these.

But I'll be checking back for the answers!

Thanks for stopping by my place and for your comments--I look forward to catching up on some of your posts.


Oh, and I did this meme, if you'd like to check it out...see if you know any!

Manic Mommy

This is so much fun I will have to do it.

#3 - Jerry McGuire (Bonny Hunt to Renee Zellweger)

#10 - Best in Show (Fred Willard?)


I am lame - Not a single one rings a bell although #6 sounds like something that would have come from the movie Airplane!


I knew the Shawshank redemption. And I cheated because I was curious about the shimmering knight. Otherwise I stink at this!

Manic Mommy

#6 - Pushing Tin?


#15.... A league of their own

What did we do in class today? I stayed home with my snot-monster.

mike golch

No I'm not touchinh this one.

Life As I Know It

#1 The Upside of Anger

Fun meme!!


i'm so lame. i know none. n-o-n-e. l-a-m-e.

Smalltown Mom

#10 Best in Show!


I loved The Lost Boys - why do I love that movie? I also love these quotes and have such a hard time always figuring out which movies they are from - never can figure it out, but one or two.

Have a good Wednesday Jenn - see ya. Kellan

stephanie (bad mom)

#14 makes me think Reservoir Dogs or Pulp Fiction, based on the number & variety of f*cks. The foot should be a good clue but it's not coming to me...

And #4 + #13 are going to haunt me. I know I know them.

Argh! This is far harder than one would think. Nicely done though.


As usual, late to the party, but I brought chips!
Can I play?

Is number #6 Airplane?


Oh...I missed this one. Looks fun to play though.

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