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July 09, 2008


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700 DOLLARS!! WOW!! Although she looks slammin' in it.

And thank you for my Edgy win! Am I supposed to pass this on? I'm still trying to figure out to work string cheese over here. Work with me.

Cheri @ Blog This Mom!

$700? Yo. She's so beautiful. Worth it.

Kalynne Pudner

Wow, thank you! And thank God I probably AM unique...I doubt the Blogosphere could take two of me.

Lovely pic! But I hear ya on the $700. Third and Fourth Daughters were arguing just yesterday about whether ODP soccer, ballet en pointe, or competitive swimming was taking the biggest gouge out of the family budget. My closer was, "As long as none of you ever decides to try cheerleading, we'll be fine."


Holy smokes! I had no idea those were so spendy. We're the Falcons too...only in green.

manager mom

Oh - that cheerleader outfit breaks my heart. Because I have that coming not so long from now.


Darn! I thought I was getting more of that salsa stuff.

And, I make you laugh? Why, this "kids and vomit and mice" is serious stuff. What's wrong with you, laughing at someone like that?


Darn Typepad! It won't allow HTML in comments, so no one will get the salsa joke. It's here, in case anyone is wondering:



$700? WOW. I think I will direct my youngest away. Far, far away.

Jen on the Edge

$700 for a cheerleading outfit?!?!?!? Are the school officials on crack?


Thanks so much for thinking of me, Jenn. I'm away from my own computer right now, but I'll grab that award when I get home later in the week. Much appreciated. :)


YEOW!!! Me, a winner!
Thanks a million, rock on Jenn!
(700 bucks? I hope your daughter isn't growing too quickly...........)


I have found my new calling in life. I will design and make cheerleader outfits.
You do the math.
Small pieces of fabric= lots of $$$$.
I will be rich soon. Thanks for the idea.


Jenn...this made my day, in more ways than you know :-) Thank you ever so much!

Now I'm off to check out the 5 blogs that make your day, and Smitten and Chatty, since I don't know those two (Gary I read - and I have a pottery dog from him, from when I bought a bowl for a friend and Melanie, of course, is amazing and did that WICKED funny post at Mrs. G.'s recently).

Your daughter looks great in that cheerleader outfit...but...$700??! OMGG!


Oh! Chatty is Tink! I know her ;-) You'd think the words "Weekly Word Challenge" would've clued me in!


omg...no she's not. My excuse is I'm still on my first cuppa. Gawd.


Congrats. to ALL the winners! WOOT! Awards are SO fun!


$700?!? The 17-year-old cheerleader who lives inside of me is saying "yeah, du-uh. they are the representatives of the whole school. if they don't look good, the school doesn't look good."
But...the mature Mom in me is like "get the frack out of here?!?! Do you know how many bake sales and car washes it would take to pay for those?!?!?"
She does look darling, though!! :-D
Great awards....and you deserve them!!


$700 for a cheerleading outfit????? WTF?!?!?!? That's unbelievable.

And congrats winners!

The Mom Bomb

I had no idea Chanel made cheerleading outfits!

Mike Golch

700 bucks,ouch.that would take a humoungus chunk out of my retirement monthy check. That's my story and I'm sticking to it


good grief. 700 bucks. wow. but she looks like a million bucks -- what a great investment!


$700--I will no longer complain about out $80 ballet costumes!

The girl next door

Awwwww thanks. But "bold" - maybe just stupid! Check out the post on "just how close is next door" http://nextdoor2myex.blogspot.com/2008/07/so-how-close-is-next-door.html

and I can't even begin to fathom the $700 you just spent, except to say she looooks maaahvelous...


$700!!! Good gravy!!! You just made me SO glad I have boys!
On the other hand, should my boys get a look at her in that outfit, you & I both might not be so glad I have boys...

Anyhow, at that price I can see how you haven't managed to buy anything from Gary yet. Since there are no cheerleaders in my home, my new set of dishes is coming from him next week!!! Yippee!!


There is NO rational reason ANY outfit should cost $700, much less that one - unless... 14K white gold thread?!!


Wow. That's a lot of awards! You must read 86 blogs a day or something!

San Diego Momma

Great links Jenn! Now I've got more habit-forming blogs to follow.
And? Your daughter looks like a teen-age version of you. The eyes are exactly the same! Cool to see you reflected in your daughter.

Jennifer H

$700?!!! I can't even imagine what it's like to hear that number for the first time. That's insane. My first car cost less than that. (Now I sound old...)

She does look fantastic!

Congratulations on all your awards!


$700 ! Wow....but then again, she definitely has the legs for the outfit....how did I end up with such stumps?....

phd in yogurtry

kinda looks like I cheated to win, huh?

Just Jamie

Bravo and congrats.

And, ARE YOU KIDDING ME? $700. Sheez. She wears it well.


huh, i would rather buy my grandma the fake teeth she has been bothering me about instead of buying her this, she would curse me out if i do that, incredible!

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