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July 02, 2008


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phd in yogurtry

It sounds beach-readable. I'm like you -- I like mostly denser reads, but occasionally want that break.

My favorite "affair" books, and one of my most fave books of all time (contemporary fiction) is Family Happiness by Colwin. I closed that book more determined than ever "not to." I don't require much in the way of discouragement, thank goddess, but extra reinforcements don't hurt.

phd in yogurtry

P.S. I luv your new look!!

And the above author is Laurie Colwin.


I'm in for a possible book win! I haven't read a yummy beach/summer read in forever. And I could really use it. I spent the last few hours at the Urgent Care with my boy. He's OK, but I'm traumatized.

Melanie @ Mel, A Dramatic Mommy

Great review Jenn! There's always room for books and shoes!


Adding it to my list now. WOOT!


I call them "brain candy" books (also applies to most TV shows). Please don't send it to me, I have too many "real" books on the hurry-up-and-please-read-me pile.

Cheri @ Blog This Mom!



You're not just a Bitch anymore. Now that you're being paid, you're a Paid Bitch!


Katy Podolan

I like your system. Similar to mine. Although I seem to be reading more junk food than good stuff lately. Eating more junk too (have put on weight, not lost as I intended. Oh well).

I could use a good junk food book. Add me to the drawing.

I liked your review too. Good job!!

Sue @ My Party of 6

That sounds like a great beach read! I'm in!! (Now I need to win a Free trip to the beach...)


Good review. Sounds like we have similar reading systems. I'd love to win a good book, put my name in the hat, randomizer, thingamabob.


Oooo, I need this for our Destin, FL trip next week! Good review!

Smalltown Mom

Ooooh, I like "junk food." Pick me, pick me!


Sounds like a good, easy read. I could handle that. I too love to read Memoirs. So fascinated by the lives of others.
You are a paid reader... how wonderful that must be. Good for you Jenn.

The Girl Next Door

This sounds like just what I need for the summer - and GREAT review! Wow! Paid gig, I am duly impressed!

Pick Me Pick Me!


I call them "beach reads". I guess because I'm from the Northeast and only have a few months to "space out" on the beach, bask in the sun and read something I don't have to concentrate too hard on. Ogling the shirtless men parading up and down the beach takes precedence! Ah, how I love summer!


Sounds like a good summer read. I love your nitpicks.. I can't help but notice those sorts of things too. A fine review.


We have the exact same "reading rituals!" Serious balanced with junk. I knew I loved you for a reason! And your review was good--I notice the same sorts of things when I read a book, even if it's fluff and not intended to be subject to my scrutiny.


Great review. So happy for you to have a paid gig! That's awesome.

Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting. I so appreciate it.

Kalynne Pudner

My routine is slightly different than yours, as a result of my profession. I read serious all semester long, then during my brief winter and summer breaks, GORGE ON THE JUNK! Bring it on! (P.S. My favorite part of your review is the nit-picks. I love doing that!)


"Because I'm a nit-picker I have to point out that despite the cover art I don't think she was ever on the beach with anyone other than her son." - perhaps it's her son and her legs on the cover, cause..the legs on the right CAN'T be a mans unless he shaves?


Thanks for the review!

Have a good day - Kellan

standing still

I go through reading spurts... I'll read 24-7 for months, and then go without a book for a while, then dive back in the spines, etc. Right now, I'm in reading mode. Went to the library and checked out 10 books. I'm afraid to run out...

Nancy BB

Free books, free shoes and great martinis. If you were giving away the other two, I'd marry you. Otherwise I will settle for being included in the drawing.

Manic Mommy

If you're looking for a good beach read featuring an east coast beach locale, try The Love Letter, by Cathleen Schine. It was also made into a movie starring Kate Capshaw.

I'm in for the contest. I'm on vaca on Cape Cod in two weeks and need some brain candy.


Well done for getting a paid 'gig'!

What I'd love is a real American Beach House....the Hamptons / Martha's vineyard would be perfectly acceptable - Oprah....are you out there?

oliver rain

I'm always in for a good junk read. I spend my school year reading anything but, so my brain is up for a rest. Thanks for the review. I'll have to check this book out.

Just Jamie

No postage necessary for a local winner (hint, hint). Junk food books fill many of my shelves (although I like your system).

And wowza on the measles detective work. Sheez. Can't get ANYthing by you. Now I knwo what your kids must feel like when they're putting water in the near-empty vodka bottle (okay, they wouldn't *really* do that because they're rule-followers too).


I read all junk and nothing but junk even the stuff at work. But, reading is my escape, so I can't do "heavy" stuff.


I really like your book review style. Please don't put me in the drawing for the book, I have a stack of similar books already waiting to be read. : )

Kam A

I enjoyed your review and would love to read this book! Thank you for the giveaway!


not that i'm looking for an advantage. but hello? no postage if i pick it up. just so you know.


i am all about the karma. i would love to read this at the beach this summer. and did i tell you i love your makeover?

Nora Bee

I love the term junk food book--I'm going to start using that, as it's all I can read lately.

Carla Pullum

beautiful house and wealthy man!!! A must read!!!


That is funny! I am exactly the same about books, except I must like junk food a bit more than you because I can only read 3-4 "real" books in between the "other" ones!

And what I am reading right now makes me think too much, so I'd love to get your used book, and then pass it on, of course!

Amy the Mom

That was an awesome review, and I'm exactly like you-I read a bunch of real books, then indulge in some literary junk food.

Texan Mama

Sounds like a very fun book. And if you think this book is "junk food" then I am addicted to pouring the sugar straight from the pourer into my mouth. I love to read Sophie Kinsella and her "Shopaholic" series. The thing I love best is that there is absolutely nothing to figure out or think about. It's my ESCAPE from real life. It keeps me off meth, anyway.


I live in North America AND I love to read junk-food books! Please count me in!


I like "junk food" books, too. I call them "Pleasure Reading" to distinguish them from the professional reading and the reading I seek out to learn more about raising my disabled child. Yes, I liked "A Summer Affair." As for the cover, I liked that the woman is obviously not a young trophy type, even though she's fit and well-dressed. :)


i love a nitpicker. i do the same; i can't help myself.

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I have my summer must haves and tips. But what are yours? Maybe I can learn something new, or pick up something to add to mine. I mean beauty tips, styles you have to have in the summer, make-up, beauty products. Anything you love during the summer :) It can even be music!

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Why are some days in summer hotter than others?
I know about the Axis and how there is winter and summer, but why are some days in summer say 30c and other days 40c.

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They only come out in the summer time. They are very light weight because when you smash them they almost disintegrate. The legs, although will keep moving. HELP!!! We believe they came in with some new carpet that we got years ago and have since gotten rid of. They crawl on the ceilings at night when the lights go out. It's annoying when you are trying to sleep and there they are. We have tried bug spray but it does not work.

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    23 years old, graduate of Colorado State Fort Collins with a major in Wildlife Biology and a minor in sustainability. He lives in FoCo with his girlfriend, Mandy, and their dog Rosy.
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