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November 04, 2008


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You know, I think it is :-)

Smalltown Mom

I feel the same way.


Pretty eager for it to be all done around here, too.

Jen on the Edge

I feel the same way. I'm having a hard time focusing on work because I keep checking the news.


I had a very similar post yesterday! I'm cautiously optimistic.

The Mom Bomb

Closure is good.

phd in yogurtry

Depending on your neighborhood, keep your windows open. You just might hear some fireworks.

I have that same pit in my stomache, too.


Well, if you folks out west there would hurry up and vote...


I feel ya - I'm really wishing I could just sleep the day away and have someone wake me up on Weds.!

Manic Mommy

When the Red Sox won the World Series in '04, I almost couldn't dare to hope. That's how I feel today.

I was pregnant with RC then. Now I can drink through the contractions.


OMG girl, I feel the same way!!!! Won't be long now. :o)


I feel exactly the same way. I just want this to be done. I will not be able to relax until I hear McCain making his concession speech. I may need to stop at the store on my way home to get some wine to help me make it through the evening.


I know....I can't believe we finally got to this day.

Mary Alice

Yep, I haven't even felt like eating...which if you know me...isn't usually a problem for me.

Mike Golch

I just want all the negitive ads that are running especilly the ones designed to place fear that a certain candate cannot be an efective president.


I'm wondering if I'll be able to go to sleep tonight, not knowing... even though I'm pretty sure the sun will still rise tomorrow no matter what the outcome!


I'm feeling just like you and unable to concentrate on anything that might be the least bit productive today. So I think I'll go turn MSNBC on and hunker down for the day.


Amen. If a certain person doesn't win I'll be crying for the next 4 years.

Melanie @ MelADramatic Mommy

It feels like the campaign has been going on for three years!

Minneota Matron

I'm right with you! This is the slowest day, EVER.


I know, I was tired of it a year a go! Did you know that in mid August they called an election in Canada and the voting was over by mid October!


I'm with you! Time to get on with it!

Take care - Kellan


I know what you mean. That feeling in the pit of my stomach...I've never felt this way about an election before. I'm excited and a bit nervous all at once. I just need to KNOW!


it's almost over, just hold on a few more hours.....

Just Jamie

I think you can open yours eyes. The news looks good.


Now we know!! It's a sweep! How incredible!


It's all good...

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