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December 24, 2008


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Little Miss Sunshine State

Not a creature was stirring, not even a pup.


Awwwwww, look at those sweeties! I love them! (Layla is part beagle.)


It is a dog's life I yearn for. :o)

Merry Christmas!!


Yes - that's a great life!

Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family, Jenn!



I could like a life like that!

Merry Christmas to you & your family. :)

Amy Amy Bo Bamey

What a life, I am jealous. I see there is more room on that pillow for me. I should join them!

Mary Alice

I know,my dogs have been looking at me reproachfully....like, would you go to bed already? We want to hit the dog bed.


When I die, I want to come back as one of my dogs too.
your beagles are adorable!!!! You can fit 2 on one bed???? awesome.


And the very best part... No guilt over taking a nap while someone else does the shopping, baking and wrapping!!

Have a beautiful Christmas, Jenn!


Funny.. my cats have the same attitude. ;)

I hope the Christmas holidays are wonderful for you and yours.

Manic Mommy

It is a dog's life. I'm coming back as mine.


Oh heck yeah. I've always thought my dog had the best life. He sleeps like 18 hours a day, eats, plays, gets love from us, plays more. I want to be a dog in my next life.

Merry Christmas, Jenn!


Cute dogs! Have a wonderful holiday!


Where's my pillow? I want to come back in my next life as your dog. Check out my blog for my dog story. Merry Christmas!


I want to come back in my next life as your dog? Check our my blog for my dog story. Merry Christmas!


Yeah, that's pretty much how it's been for the cat around here :) Except she's annoyed that we aren't sitting around, providing laps to sit on. Santa is bringing that girl her own bed for Christmas!

Smalltown Mom



I'd be happy to :-)


Love it. Can I come join him? Is it warm there too?

Green Girl

Brilliantly executed--I must try that!


And still room for me and your daughter on that cushion. lol.


Don't they look happy! I miss our dogs - even though we have sworn to let a year pass before even THINKING of getting another one....I miss having a dog around the house.

Thank you for posting such a wonderful photo.

stephanie (bad mom)

It's pictures like this that make me really miss our beagle & Bassett Hound...Sweetness.


I think I might be able to fit on that pillow! I often envy my cats who seem to sleep between 18 and 20 hours a day!

Just Jamie

Insert my Molly the beagle and voila: my house too!


Ahhhh, beagles!!! My first dog was a beagle. They are so wonderful.

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    23 years old, graduate of Colorado State Fort Collins with a major in Wildlife Biology and a minor in sustainability. He lives in FoCo with his girlfriend, Mandy, and their dog Rosy.
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