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December 26, 2008


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I copied you on my blog tonight. :)

Congrats on your milestone of daily posts for a year! I can't even imagine!

stephanie (bad mom)

You are so poised and articulate and entertaining, it's hard to believe you've been blogging only a year.

Congratulations! And if I were to win one of your books, will you guarantee I'll create fabulousness just like you? I'd need that...You decide which title I should have.


martha's eyes would roll back in her head if she saw how i roll in my kitchen.

yay you! one year!


Blogs are fun aren't they!! I would love too have that How to Make Holiday Desserts book.

Happy Anniversary and I wish you many more!!


I'm in! Your pick if I win one of the books. Congrats on your one year!

Jen on the Edge

Since I've been packing for our move, I'm not looking to add anything else to my possessions, but I did want to wish you a happy blogoversary and to thank you for the daily laughs and/or deep thoughts (depending on the day).


I love how you are honoring your mom this way. Happy one year! :)


I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas! And a Happy Blogversary!

Don't stick me in the cookbook contest though, I am a terrible chef and I'd rather read a dictionary than a cookbook.

Hope to see you on campus next semester!

Manic Mommy

Merry Blogoversary! That's quite a feat. Blogging for me started out as a defense mechanism to save me from stay-at-home mania. It's become so much more.

The Girl Next Door

Sohappy you decided to blog - and so glad I found you, probably through Mrs. G. Your blog isa must read for me - whenever I can actually get to it. darnjob. And I am very much looking forward to meeting you San Diego Bloggers in May if my company doesn't cancel our trip out there! like you I have met many "friends" through blogging and hope to meet some of you in person!

keep blogging- you are very talented and inspirational.
and the cookbook? I will save it for others who would put it to much better use, but I think the idea and tribute to your mom is awesome!

Mike Golch

Congrats on you blogaversary.I had mine on the 20Th.


If you figure out a great link etc for photoshop, let me know. A friend is going to give me a boot of the program.

Happy Blogoversary!


I share your sentiments about blogging. I had no idea it would actually become a meaningful part of my life. People like you make that so.


Happy Anniversary. You are one of my favorite reads....I think of your day to day advise on kids, running a house, and just running life on a daily basis. Yes, blogging has infiltrated my life too.
Blog that!!! I hear that often now also.
You are so sweet to give away your mom's cookbooks!!!! Such a treasure.
Exercise instead of blogging? Let me know how that works for you!!!!


Happy Bloggiversary!!!!

don't enter me, I've got too many cookbooks. But you are awesome! ;)


I am glad you started blogging I quite enjoy your writing.

All my cook books give very easy instructions I am not a high tec cook.

Hope you had a merry christmas



Congrats! I'm not a cook, but what a wonderful idea for a give away!

Glad to have met you here!


Happy Blogoversary! I'm really impressed that you have posted a blog each day for a whole year. That is awesome!


Oh and some of my favorite posts have been the Toddlers Vs. Teenagers. I enjoy my kids and really try not to wish any time away because they grow up so fast anyway. But there are definitely some aspects to teenagers that I am looking forward to.

Thanks for the peeks at what is to come.


Merry Christmas!! Martha please, the older style is intriguing to me on the cover!!

I'm glad you blog, but the question is, blogging daily for another year?

Jennifer H

Happy Blogoversary! I'm so impressed by your ability to post so regularly, and so very well. And I'm very glad to have found your place here!

Drooling a little over the Silver Palate cookbook. :-)


congratulations on your bloggaversary! What a special gift you're giving ... typical of you to be so kind!!!


What a sweet idea!


Congratulations, Jenn. That really is a huge accomplishment. How fun that you started on Christmas day.

What the heck. I'll put in a bid for the Martha Stewart cookbook.


Happy Blogiversary! I'm very impressed that you've managed to post daily, particularly because your content is anything but fluff. You always have something of substance to say. Bravo!


We started blogging at almost the same time :) happy Blogiversary!

I am cookbook junkie and I think I have the Martha one (lol) so I'll pick the Silver Palate :)


Happy Blogiversary! Your blog is one I read faithfully. You inspire me! I met you through a good friend, Debbie, in Japan.

Put my name in for Martha Stewart, she looks so young on the cover.

Cheri @ Blog This Mom!


You found the perfect giveaway, but you must put the recipe for your chocolate cake in those books! I've heard how good was that cake. One day I'll get some!

Happy Blogoversary.

mrs. g.

Congrats Jenn. From day one, you were a natural. Truly!

Don't enter me in the giveaway--I'm covered in the cook book department. These are wonderul classics.

Baby Favorite

Happy Blogoversary!

I am good on cookbooks; just wanted to leave my wishes for you!


Oooh. The Cook's Illustrated book would be much loved in our house.


It has truly been a pleasure to follow you throughout the year, missy. I have been a fan ever since you were Mrs. G's first Slow Cook Gal. ;)

I don't need any of the cookbooks, so go ahead and keep my name out of the giveaway. It wouldn't be right for me not to comment and wish you a belated CONGRATULATIONS!!! :)


Oops, how did I mis this? Congratulations! And 365? You are a far better woman than I my friend!

Green Girl

Happy blogoversary! I'm glad to run into you out here in the blogosphere--you make it a better place:) (P.S. good on cookbooks as well, but wanted you to know I appreciate you)


yeah...I know...I'm late...I had every intention of getting back to this post and entering, but...oh well...I'll just have to ask BadMom for advice on cooking stuff if I need it!!
Happy Blogoversary!! Your blog was one of the first that I began reading faithfully...you never cease to amaze me with your energy and positive vibes...you make me smile when I need it...and you inspire me...you have so much on your plate...even though you're younger than me, when I grow up--i wanna be like you!!
Congrats, luv. Keep 'em coming!!


Wow, how did I not comment on this post? I could have sworn I did. I was so impressed that you managed to write every day for a year. Maybe I said that on a different post. In any case, happy blogiversary, sorry it's a bit late! :)

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