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December 27, 2008


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Smalltown Mom

I'm the wrapping diva in my house.

When I was 8 or so... my mother kindly wrapped my presents in newspaper...so I could re-wrap them myself...

stephanie (bad mom)

While I don't have the attitude [anymore], I am extraordinarily particular about my wrappings. This year, I got to do my best friend's gifts; she couldn't understand why I was so excited.

Do we get pictures of her themed marvel? :D


I don't feel so bad now for getting my daughters to do most of the wrapping. (Of course, I didn't REALLY feel that bad about it before either.) I did consider putting their things in boxes and taping them shut so they could wrap their own gifts too, but I resisted that notion... this year.


i am the worst wrapper in the world. SB interested in giving some on-line lessons?


ooh i feel bad now. i just slap a bit of wrapping paper on and tape it down. in the same manner as my mum used to wrap my 'bait', (sandwiches) in the bread paper when i went to school. fold in the corners and stick down the edges. SB would NOT approve, don't tell her. :-)


Oh, she is YOUR child!!!! This cracks me up...sounds like something I would say and NOW my girls talk like that too!!!
I love her!!!


Hmm, SB reminds me of someone... not sure who... I think she writes a wonderfully funny and insightful blog... and she won a Christmas tree smackdown for her perfectly decorated tree...

Cheri @ Blog This Mom!

Oy vey. Like mother, like daughter. Courtney is my resident wrapper. I bet you could have guessed that.

Jennifer H

And now I love SB with all my wrapping-paper-coordinating soul. The THEME is everything! Every year, I pick one basic paper (maybe two if they coordinate perfectly), and wrap everything in the same paper with really pretty hand-tied wired bows. If she was in the wrapping business, and I was too, there'd be some serious competition. And, after reading this, I'm wondering if she might win. :-)


LOL that is too funny! I used to work at a store that did gift wrap and you learned really quickly what was the WRONG way to wrap!

Manic Mommy

My babysitter was Martha Stewart; an amazing cook who could get my kids to eat things they would never eat at my house. I am a wrapping savant and managed to even impress her. It was my moment in the sun.


approved paper! a theme! hilarious!


Definitely your daughter (as if the smile didn't give that away)!
SB would have a seizure if she saw the wrapping jobs exposed under our tree. Every single one of them = worse than amateur.
My neighbor had beautifully wrapped gifts in coordinating paper and wire ribbon with bows. It was gorgeous.


hahaha she's a riot!


My mother would love her. She's that kind of despot too...


I could never let SB see the wrapping around here. Never. Ever.

Jessica Bern

I would drive SB insane. For her sake, I'm glad she wasn't with me for the holidays or prior to anyone's birthday.


I am the Wrapping Nazi in my house. I never put names on presents I wrap each persons present in a unique paper with a unique bow. Then I give STRICT orders that no one is to use those papers to wrap anything else. I also use odd things with which to wrap such as Old Building Plans for my developer Husband. Old computer dot matrix paper for my Techno-son. My psychologist daughter gets presents wrapped in and bows made from Psychology today. As well as my Vet Tech daughter who gets her presents wrapped in dog and cat food bags that have been cleaned and sprayed. My youngest who is a student and isn't sure what she wants to be when she gets out of college usually gets her presents wrapped in Glamour or Vogue Magazine. I'm weird that way but hey it's great recycling.

Just Jamie

Good thing Social Butterfly didn't see my jobs.

phd in yogurtry

As Steven Tyler sings, "Wrap this way!"

Green Girl

I think she & I have much in common.

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