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April 08, 2009


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That's the good kind of surprise!


Aren't surprises great!

Could that plane be any brighter?!

Mary Alice

Oh nice day...letting them fly off by themselves does make you tense at first...it's good for them though.


oh yeah, bloggy friends can be so wonderful

Grumpy Momma

Mmm...sounds dreamy!

Busy Bee Suz

awww...such a sweet gift, especially the card.
I hope SB has a wonderful adventure up in San Fran.
Your day of hooky sounds good to me too...especially getting your teeth cleaned. One of my favorite things to do!!!


Lovely surprise! She is great. :)

I hope SB had a wonderful time.
I'm willing to send mine of that age off on a trip like that, but from here, nearly everything a hop, skip, and a jump -- each of those requiring a different flight.


I would never blame anyone for picking a bath with salts and pillow over commenting at blogs!

I was 18 when I took my first plane ride and I was all alone and scared sh**less. It was all good, but still very scary.

The picture of the plane is gorgeous!

Manic Mommy

Is it the person with the closed eyes or only her ass showing that would prefer not to be in the picture?

What a lovely surprise!

Smalltown Mom

Only a 40 minute delay? That's not bad.

green girl

A present! Yay for you! Here's to YOUR R&R and SB's adventures in SF!

Laural Out Loud

My hooky days never end up as glamorous as I'd prefer. But clean teeth and burned calories aren't such a bad way to go! Hope you enjoyed your gift! I'm going to have to steal the picture card idea...


What a lovely surprise at your door! I hope SB has a wonderful trip.

San Diego Momma

What a great surprise! I loved that picture from your previous post.




The GIrl Next Door

What an awesome surprise. I jumped over to her place and She is an awesome teacher - just as you are destined to be...

phd in yogurtry

How thoughtful, that personalized card!

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