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November 04, 2009


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Comfort AND style? That's worth it, in my book! (6 years of plantar fasciitis and counting, so I don't mess around with incompetent shoes)


silly me has high heeled shoes and boots that i buy in moments of madness after trying them on and 'thinking' they will be comfortable. and the reality is, well the opposite of course. wish i could wear flip flops all year and everywhere. *sigh* but this is canada. :-)


Those are darling! I'd totally wear them.


Great review Jenn. I have bad feet too, and need cute, but comfortable. I'll check out their website!

Manic Mommy

Oh my God. Blogging for free shoes! Life doesn't get much better.

PS my ll bean clogs are super comfortable - and they come in a gorgeous eggplant!


Ha! I was about to recommend my Dansko clogs - but they look exactly like the pair you reviewed. We must have similar taste.

Glad to know I'm not the only one taking notes on how powerful women dress. But, who's Stacy? I'm drawing a blank.


Thanks for the tipoff. I will check out the site.

Green Girl in Wisconsin

Free shoes? You lucky duck! I like the European shoes--better made and wider and more comfortable.

Jenn @ Juggling Life

What Not to Wear on TLC.


Ooh! I love Ariats. Not that I own any, but I do wish I had some. The ones you picked look really nice!


I will have to check these out! I just purchased a very expensive pair of Dansko clogs and have been really enjoying them too. I swallowed the price because I figure they may last as long as I do!


Damn. Why didn't they ask me to try them? I've been thinking I need a new pair of Danskos, but I haven't gotten around to it.


Very cute! I am 5'11", so I never wear heels. I seriously think I would break my leg if I even tried on a pair at this point. Did you see WNTW's "Hootchie to Hottie" show that was on recently? That cracked me up.


I love those shoes! Now I need to find a place in Europe that carries hem!

Jen on the Edge

Damn, I never get offers of free shoes to review.


The whole time I was reading your post I kept looking at those Ariat shoes thinking "what are those and where can I get a pair". They are so cute!


I have never heard of those shoes where I live... but I guess they must be quite comfortable. Nice post!!!


Those might be a fun replacement for my 6 year old Merrills! So cute with the flowers and stiching.

Jenn @ Juggling Life

Actually they sent me an email asking me to promote their site and I was brave and asked for the shoes. It worked!

Stacie Harris

Love the little flowers!!!! It's so hard to find cute and cloud!

Lisa Paul

I'm just waiting for Tevas -- which are my go to shoes -- to add a heel. Until then, I'll investigate your recommendation. Clogs are always comfortable.

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Yes, I saw those shoes a couple weeks ago and totally love them.
I haven't seen any other new shoe designs from a new designer that have intrigued me like those.

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