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April 25, 2010


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Congratulations to Grumpy Momma!

Yes, eating healthy is so much better, and it is a lot harder when the rest of the family wants cookies and chips and, and, and.
Packing for the week is *SO* smart!


I had an entire plate of radishes and cucumbers (the pickling kind cuz there's less water and more densely packed cuke) and then was starved an hour later.

Sometimes healthy is annoying. But it's always worth it at the end of the day.

Reluctant Blogger

Yes, it is worth it. But we all slip up. Convenience food is, well . . . more convenient (and cheaper).

I have the same troubles with alcohol. I don't comfort eat at all but I do turn to wine if I feel stressed or sad (or happy!!!) and I have phases of drinking too much. There is nothing to see - I don't put on weight as a result - but it can't be good for my liver.

But comfort eating is harder to combat I think as with alcohol you can just stop drinking for a while but you can't just stop eating!

So you should enlist us all to support you. If you have a wobble and slip away from your healthy eating, then confess and we can boost you up and encourage you!

Good luck!

busy bee suz

You have me thinking about this WW thing....
good luck Jenn!!!

Prof. J

I remember that feeling. That I could just eat and eat and eat, and it was all good stuff. Perhaps I should think about going back.


Hey, I'm getting on the health kick myself! We can do it! It IS more work, but like you said, totally worth it in the long run.

green girl in Wisconsin

I agree--and this weekend I began making the effort again to get out of the convenience/unhealthy rut and chop some veg and fruit. Yum!
Congrats to your lucky winner!


This is a good time of year to start too - all the nice, fresh, local produce that will be available the next several months!


Joined the healthy eating club myself, down seven, lots to go but I do feel better (and really want ice cream!) Good luck


you are so right healthy eating is so much better. I've strayed the last couple of weeks and I can totally feel the "ugh" in me. You are inspiring me to get back on track!!

Brightside- Susan

I agree that it is more time consuming AND it feels better to eat this way!

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