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December 09, 2010


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phd in yogurtry

Discouraged to the point of despair when I consider this congress gets to draw the district lines.

p.s Great minds think alike:



Politics have little to do with people and much to do with power (and the keeping of power). And I'm pretty sure I learned somewhere along the way that money = power and that power corrupts.
Cynical? Who, me?


I don't know WHAT you are talking about. But that may be because I've been boycotting the news since Election Day. (Not really, but I try). I think I'm most discouraged at the continuing expressions of dissapointment that President Obama is not a miracle worker and has been unable to change the course of divisive partisan politics that are the norm. I know he's charismatic, and an inspiring leader, but you know...he's just one guy.


Yes. Thoroughly.


Don't ask me - I'm still trying to figure out why freezing all federal workers' salaries (i.e., not allowing the cost-of-living-adjustment) is a better solution to deficit spending and a slow economy than "raising" taxes for millionaires to a reasonable level. People? That 2 percent COLA ends up being shelled out by its recipients right here in the good ol' US of A. I'm thinking that the tax cuts for millionaires, however, aren't being disbursed at Target or the local grocery store. Trickle-down fantasies die hard, apparently...

And don't tell me that the comparison is wrong, because that tax money "really" belongs to the rich who earned it. Those pay increases also belong to those workers who earned them. If federal workers have to give up some of their income, individuals in the highest income levels should have to, also. This is ridiculous.

gary rith

Blame republicans. Whatta bunch of F##KHEADS. Doing their best to pull us all back to the middle ages :)


No, really, Gary - tell us how you feel...

green girl in wisconsin

I am SO baffled. SO dismayed. So disheartened.


It is VERY discouraging. Crazy making. And at the expense of so many citizens.

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