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May 05, 2011


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Yay! I love books! I'd happily take either one.

Congrats to the winners.


Gosh, both of those books sound amazing! I <3 StoryCorps, too :-)


I haven't yet taken the time to listen at StoryCorps and now I REALLY need to! We are trying to figure out a way to get my brother to "interview" my mom with some questions to get her stories on audio for posterity.

And I'm excited to have won the Galaxy book. SnakeMaster will be thrilled! I'll send you my snail mail address ASAP. Thank you!!

green girl in wisconsin

Yeah, I weary of that NYC perspective, too.
Congrats to your winners!


I would love to read Times X Two. A few reasons: I know infertility issues all too well, I would love to be a New Yorker (but without the baby nurse and excessive lifestyle) and have been reading a blog from a woman in a same-sex relationship (just eat your cupcake) that has taught me a lot. Where I live, this is NOT in the open, so it is interesting to view a life so different than mine.

And, yes, books - or a Nook! - are a great idea for Mother's Day!


Cool! Thanks.

Jenn @ Juggling Life

I promise I wont wait as long to mail it as I did to pick a winner. Things got a little crazy. Youll love it.



Storycorps would be great. If I don't win and/or you don't get any takers for the x2 book, I am connected with a GLBT support house that keeps a library and appreciate donations.

The story of the women and their nurse reminds me - I know a young couple with a newborn, a singleton, telling me how surprisingly "easy" it was, how she wasn't as "tired" as she thought she'd be. Self aggrandizing smile on her face. Then she mentioned the paid night nurse four nights a week!! Telling that to a mom who managed three kids three and under and NO help. Oy is right.

Heather J. @ TLC Book Tours

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on StoryCorps - I'll definitely have to give it a listen!


I hit you on FB with the address and HUGE thanks...and StoryCorps rocks. xxxo on you

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  • MVP
    23 years old, graduate of Colorado State Fort Collins with a major in Wildlife Biology and a minor in sustainability. He lives in FoCo with his girlfriend, Mandy, and their dog Rosy.
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