« 11-11-11: Happy Birthday, Baby! | Main | Another season, done »

November 13, 2011


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Love her look and that she made it home safe and sound! I wish I was your neighbor... that cake sounds wonderful!


Whew! I was worrying, too--so glad there was no hydroplaning on the way down the mountain.

We're at the same place with baked goods right now; I made a ginger pound cake, and while we'll handle a big chunk of it, the kids don't like it ("too spicy"), so we're looking to wrap up a hunk and toss it at some random neighbor.

Busy Bee Suz

So glad they had a good time and made it home safely. I loved Crazy, Stupid Love and I loathe it when people try to blow out MY candles!!!


Every time I read a blog where a mother worries about their kids traveling or being safe, I'm glad I never wanted kids.

I have plenty of stuff to worry about without them.

green girl in wisconsin

What a fun shot though! at exactly 11:11! bummer about the hot water heater, but probably good for you since it brought them home early.

Smalltown Me

I don't think mothers ever stop worrying about their children.


Happy it all worked out and hope she gets her birthday wish!

Cassi Renee

That's a funny shot, it looks like her friend was teasing her.

My daughter turns 11 tomorrow, and got her birthday present a couple days early, this weekend. It's an iPod Touch, and she was so incredibly excited. Mom and Dad are jealous --ours are old, and don't have cameras :-)


I think you should treat teenagers as if they are trustworthy, until they prove otherwise. Seems she would pass that test with flying colors!

I still don't have an iphone! I'm jealous.


i love that picture!

glad she's home okay.


So glad everything worked out ok!

P.S. I love photos that show the other side of our personalities [read: not the bright, beaming smile that most of us show]!

Karen (formerly kcinnova)

My boys & I want to be your neighbor....

Glad she is home safely -- and that they were smart enough to not push their luck with the water heater!

gary rith

Great kid :) Congrats to the mom who produced her!

mom taxi julie

Such a brave mom! My mom let me go camping with my friend by ourselves when I was 16 or 17. Probably 17. I don't know if I'd let my daughter do that. Probably not!


That's what we're giving Amelia for her birthday this Wednesday, too!

Glad she made it safe. Glad she deserves an iphone!

Aunt Snow

Happy that she both got to go and had a good time, happy that they are all back home safe and sound.

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  • MVP
    23 years old, graduate of Colorado State Fort Collins with a major in Wildlife Biology and a minor in sustainability. He lives in FoCo with his girlfriend, Mandy, and their dog Rosy.
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