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June 05, 2012


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How nice to have a long time neighbor like that.

Slow Panic

How blessed you are to have such wonderful neighbors and friends. Wonderful post.


Good neighbors are the best.

Aunt Snow

Isn't that lovely? We were so sad when our previous neighbors moved - both our families moved into our homes the same month back in 1997. They left about four years ago, but the good news is that the family that lives there now are just as wonderful. They're not our age, so we don't socialize with them as much as we did the previous family, but they are still great neighbors.


You are so lucky! What is an otter pop, by the way? Are you feeling sad about these milestones at all?

mrs. g.

Jen, an otter pop is like a frozen popcicle/icee in a long, clear plastic tube. They are awesome and the blue ones are the best. I think they are just sugar, fake flavor and food coloring.

Busy Bee Suz

This is so sweet....a touching tribute. YOU are the best kind of neighbor as well.

Green Girl in Wisconsin

What an ode to great neighbors. I hope you print this out and give it to them. It's so sweet and resonates here, too.


My neighbors are fine. But I really wish I had neighbors like yours!!

Little Miss Sunshine State

Except for my Mom, I don't even have FAMILY like that. We are all just guests in each others homes.

shrink on the couch

Neighbors are like family - we don't usually get to pick them and boy are we grateful when we get some good ones. I do have to share something on the funny side of neighbors borrowing ingredients. Had one of the neighbor kids knock on my door, "We want to make a pie. Do you have a can of cherry pie filling? And do you have one of those frozen pie shells we can borrow?"

shrink on the couch

Damn. Now I've got a craving for cherry pie.

JCK (Motherscribe)


Karen (formerly kcinnova)

I've had neighbor-friends like that in the past. They are awesome, aren't they?

And now I'm really missing them.

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