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October 21, 2012


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Two of my favorite comments on various posts, so far:

"Binder? I hardly know her!" -and-
"You brought her, you binder."

I can relate to the discomfort of having smart and wonderful friends and family who strongly believe in the Romneys, and his politics. (I'm related to a whole slew of LDS.) After the election I can stop biting my tongue because we'll have whomever we elected, and the vitriol will descend to its usual level. I'm a little afraid that something will go wrong at the very end and Romney will somehow become president. If that should happen, those of us who believe in women's rights--HUMAN rights--will have a lot of work to do. Again.

We'll see how Monday's debate goes. Love all the tumblr pics!


The sad thing is (not that I really feel sorry for Romney or anything) that during debate prep someone gave Romney the bullet points from the Anne Slaughter piece from earlier this year in an attempt to appeal to women voters. And it could have worked. But then he went and Mitterized it.

(I have visions of Eli Gold watching the debate in the wings becoming apoplectic -- "NOOOO! That's NOT what we practiced!")

But, really, if even if Mitt had managed to make that point work, would anyone have believed that in Mitt Romney's work world any woman who actually used a flexible schedule would get the same consideration when it came to promotions?

gary rith

then there is the whole "didn't somebody say Mormons wear secret underwear????"...why hasn't THAT come up yet, hmmmmmmm? ;)

Green Girl in Wisconsin

I. Just. Cannot. Fathom any woman voting for those clowns.


"Stop yelling at the TV. You're scaring the cats." Yes, this was said to me by my husband more than once during the debate. My biggest problem with this election has been the overwhelming number of out right lies that have been accepted and not refuted. Apparently to many people, if you keep repeating something often enough, it eventually becomes true. I'm a SO exhausted from living in a big swing state. Only 2 more weeks....hopefully with a good outcome.

Martha Mc

Thank you, Jenn, for expressing so well exactly how I feel about the Romneys on a personal level, politics aside.

I too cannot fathom any woman voting for the Republicans unless the one and only thing they are truly concerned about is abortion rights. Granted that's a huge concern for some, but there is so, so much more at stake for our country than to focus on one social issue.

However, I do have several acquaintances who are totally apolitical and freely admit that they pay no attention to any of it until it's time to go vote and then they ask their husbands for whom and what to vote.

Kellyg, I love the visual of Eli Gold becoming apoplectic!!! I will keep him in mind and hope he has reason to do the same thing this evening.

BTW, Jenn, thanks for the link to Bad Mom but I think it needs an "l" at the end. (Or click on the Header and it will take you to the post today.)

Karen (formerly kcinnova)

MR's seeming lack of empathy has also struck me dumb.

Claudia made me laugh with this: "Stop yelling at the TV. You're scaring the cats."
My 16yo son kept telling me to calm down, too.

Susan Walker

I am with you 100%.

I wish my mom were still alive to bounce this stuff off of; I can only imagine the witty, intelligent and snarky observations she would make. Even at her age, the prehistoric comments about women would've sent her completely over the edge.

WHY would anyone vote for that man? Why?

Cha Cha

Yes. Just a million times YES.

Thank you for so eloquently stating what I can only convey in grunts and profanity.


Just reading about the debate after the fact made me growl loud enough that my dog came into the livingroom, wondering if he needed to rescue me from a scary monster...
Thank you, Jenn for putting into words the sheer rage RM can make you feel.

Cassi Renee

I'm right there with you. I don't actually have any friends who would vote for Mitt Romney, but I do have some female acquaintances and colleagues who will, and I can NOT understand it. I am always so irritated with women who live progressive lives, but vote based on a single issue, like abortion, and so chance ruining it for all the rest of us and our daughters!

Christina Nowacki

Do you need another "ditto"? :-)

I also scare my cats. And have a 16 year old who says "Mom, they can't hear you, you can stop yelling." and then I respond with "OK, let me play that back for you while you watch football!" ;-)


I'm with you girlfriend! Nice articulation of the situation.

Aunt Snow

I went into this thinking, well he's not so bad, also.

But he's that bad. He's worse. He's without principle. He will pretend to be anything. It's the most untruthful campaign in my memory.

THat, I think, is worse than if he were a hide-bound ideologue. He doesn't really care about political positions. He just thinks it's his turn to be president and he's going to buy it.

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