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October 18, 2012


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Glad your mad people-reading skillz came in handy, and that you were able to vanquish big potential workplace stress.

P.S. Have you friended Binders Full of Women on Facebook?

Deb D

Glad it's working out. Can I confess when I heard that comment on the debate (yeah even us Canucks watched it) my VERY first thought was - "I can't wait to see what Jen blogs about this".


In my experience, most of the in-the-trenches work gets done by a binder full of in-the-trenches women. Highschool lunch room, PTA, working with women ...sometimes it is hard to tell the difference. Carry on Jen, carry on.


Cassi Renee

I'm glad that most of the people you work with are great --if there's one thing that might make me retire before I'm 80, it's work-place politics. If everyone was honest and did their job professionally there would be no need for politics on the job.


Give us a change to climb out of the binder - and real work happens!

Green Girl in Wisconsin

It's like that at church, too. The women do the lion's share of the heavy lifting while the men sit in offices. Ugh.
I tripped over an empty chair when I got out of my binder today--bwahahaha.


"Frenemy" - what an absolutely perfect name on the person I'm dealing with at work, but can't blog about. Yet.
I would also like to hear your take on the binder-comment...


I think it is funny that I assumed it was a woman you were having trouble with. Not sure why that is? I guess it has just been my experience that women usually stir up more drama!

mrs. g.

Yeah binders of women have been running this country since well before the invention of binders! Well played, Jenn!


Love your status update!


My mom recently gave me some work advice and I couldn't figure out why because generally things are fine. It is this....don't be too trusting. And now you know why! Good luck with this!


Let's hear it for experience, ethics, honesty and professionalism. And the fact that nice LADIES finish first, sometimes!

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LOL at the PTA giving you experience with dealing with the frienemy haha! Nothing like a bunch of catty mothers to get you on your toes.


Yes, I saw that status update. And I love that PTA has taught you so much over the years.

Today's FB update was much happier, cooking and wine.

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Oh gosh girl I love these!!!!!!

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