Be sure to visit the other Time Warp Tuesday participants: Smalltown Me, Fond of Snape, Gary, Jen Rants & Raves, Limbic Resonance, Brightside Susan and Tonya Lynn.*
*If the names aren't linked it's cause I was too tired to stay up any later until the posts were up and I'll do it tomorrow!
I've loved other people's "waaaaaay back in the day" photos, so here is one of mine. The year was 1988 and we were on a cross-country three-car caravan from San Diego to North Dakota and back. This was snapped by a pressed-into-service fellow tourist at an overlook of the Snake River in Wyoming. Gorgeous.
Pictured in the photo are my husband's parents, my husband's sister and her husband, my husband's youngest sister and her friend and the two of us. We'd been married just under a year and my SIL and BIL just under two years.
Even without me telling you it was the eighties, my hair would have given it away.
Even then, I always had my camera.
What I remember when I look at this picture:
- Me pitching a fit and refusing to get out of the car for breakfast and droving to a grocery store when faced with the prospect of eating at a McDonalds for a ninth-consecutive meal.
- When my FIL tried to convince me that Old Faithful wasn't that big a deal to see when he found it had just gone off before we got there.
- The great time my SIL, BIL, husband I had at the North Dakota State Fair. It was some serious fun.
- My husband and I being stymied on the return trip (which we did alone by a different route) by our inability to procure alcohol in the state of Wyoming on a Sunday.
- The ecstasy it was to return home after driving 5,000 miles in two weeks.
is that a boom box in Mr. Fix-it's hand?
Posted by: Melinda | October 23, 2012 at 12:56 AM
You and your husband = tres CUTE couple indeed!
Posted by: gary rith | October 23, 2012 at 08:27 AM
Ah yes, the 80's shorts, with button crotches that went up to the belly button. Why were you eating only at McDonald's?
Sorry, I'm going to sit out this week. Too much on my plate!
Posted by: Jen | October 23, 2012 at 08:48 AM
It looks to me like Mr. Fix-it is holding a videotape camera. This was well before things went digital. I was wondering if it used full sized tapes or the mini tapes.
Posted by: kellyg | October 23, 2012 at 09:34 AM
lol I had that same haircut! I'll use that pic for next week :-)
Posted by: Janet | October 23, 2012 at 10:08 AM
Love it! That video camera looks like it uses full size tapes to me!
Posted by: Smalltown Me | October 23, 2012 at 12:03 PM
Love the memories...and of course, I LOVE the hair!
I could pick you two out in any line any decade! :)
Posted by: Busy Bee Suz | October 24, 2012 at 08:24 PM
Love the hair! I had the same style. And I love a road trip nearly as much as I love coming home from a road trip!
Posted by: lanes | October 24, 2012 at 08:37 PM
Come on over to MN, if you ever want to re-live those "No alcohol on Sundays" days.
So: the idea of you pitching a fit entrances me, as it seems so foreign to how I imagine you. I LIKE it, this new dimension of possible temper.
Posted by: Jocelyn | October 24, 2012 at 10:15 PM