When Gary suggested Tuesday as our photostory post day, I agreed without thinking about what the title of these posts would be--Flashback Fridays are out there as are Throwback Thursdays, but nothing for Tuesdays. Until now. Time Warp Tuesdays.
Anyone is welcome to play along on any week; please check out Limbic Resonance, Brightside Susan and Tonya Lynn; Gary, and Jen did not have their posts up by my bedtime Monday night, so I'm not sure if theirs will be up or not.
This first photo I've chosen because it was taken not so long ago and at the same time oh-so-long ago; five years ago this fall. MVP was a senior and Danger Boy was a freshman. MVP was captain (and MVP) of the high school water polo team. They both had very good seasons and they played many games together as DB played on the varsity squad for tournaments. One magical moment was that the last goal of MVP's career was scored off a pass from his little brother. They lost the game, but it was in the playoffs, so at least they made it that far.
Before that game came around though there was picture time. Naturally I wanted a buddy picture of my boys. So much so that I wrote it down on an order form and attached a check to said order form. I was chagrined to receive my order and realize there was no buddy shot in the envelope. I called the photographer who said she hadn't realized she needed to take one because the boys didn't tell her. I allowed as how perhaps if one is photographing teen boys one might want to look at the order form rather than ask the boys what they want (their answer would be "Nothing, my mom is making me do this."
Anyway . . . the photographer said she was at the high school taking pictures of the football team and if the boys would stop by she would take their picture. I called the boys to inform them of this fortuitous event. Fortuitous was not the word that popped into their heads.
They had just gotten out of the pool, they were starving and they were tired and they did NOT want to do it. I was adamant that it would be done. Words were exchanged.
I got my way.
The shot on the left is the buddy photo and the right side is close-ups of their faces in the photo.
Things I think of when I look at this:
Danger Boy now looks just like MVP then!
Danger Boy was such a baby! In fact, his nickname actually was "Baby." The Brazilians named him BabyMVP and the Baby part stuck for a good long time.
Water Polo hair! There's nothing like it--even swimmers don't have that hair. Anywhere I go I am never wrong if I see a kid with that hair and asks if he plays polo. Of course, he does.
My kids listened to me! They weren't happy about it, but they did it.
Water polo is a lifelong bond these brothers will have.
Their "Don't wanna be doing this" body language is a SCREAM. (as is the hair)
I'm a huge fan of this idea--the weekly photo explanation--and may try to chime in one week here or there. It's so cool, to sit and explain to others the moments so special you wanted to frame them.
Posted by: Jocelyn | October 09, 2012 at 12:26 AM
I managed to get mine up a little late!
Posted by: Brightside=Susan | October 09, 2012 at 12:28 AM
I'd like to read more from you,expecting your new articles. you can take a look my website: http://www.dailydeal-shoes.com/jeremy-scott-wings
Posted by: Jeremy Scott Wings | October 09, 2012 at 02:51 AM
Haha, oh gosh, such excellent California hair!
Posted by: gary rith | October 09, 2012 at 06:52 AM
I'm so glad you got your way!!! I agree, DB now looks like MVP back then!!! The HAIR!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Busy Bee Suz | October 09, 2012 at 09:43 AM
I love this idea. I'm going to have to see if I can figure out how to add a blog page to my website so I can play too. I give the guys a pass on the hair since NO ONE has good hair in high school photos. At least they don't have hockey mullets!
Posted by: Claudia from Idiot's Kitchen | October 09, 2012 at 10:33 AM
Oh my goodness, that is EXCELLENT hair. I am not sure what I enjoy more, the "Mom is making us do this" faces, or the hair...either way, great photo!!
Posted by: Kristi | October 09, 2012 at 11:14 AM
Mine is finally up...http://jen-rantsraves.blogspot.com/2012/10/time-warp-tuesday-1.html
I love yours - the defiant expressions and body language, the hair, it all cracks me up! I'm glad you forced it on them. Can't wait to see more.
Posted by: Jenrantsraves | October 09, 2012 at 11:40 AM
Awesome. Just awesome. Brothers and pictures, what can you say?
Wow... 5 years... I've been following you for a long time!
I hope to play along someday when I can devote the time to it. Right now, I'm focusing on some other projects and blogging is getting the short end of the stick.
Posted by: Karen (formerly kcinnova) | October 09, 2012 at 12:14 PM
That is great!
My post is late but I decided this would be fun!
Posted by: Tonya Lynn | October 09, 2012 at 06:35 PM
I love the story behind the picture!
Here's my contribution: http://smalltownmom.blogspot.com/2012/10/time-warp-tuesdays-nyc-2007.html
Posted by: Smalltown Me | October 09, 2012 at 08:09 PM
I love this pic---what a great story behind it!
Posted by: MIME | October 09, 2012 at 09:10 PM
What a great way to preserve the memory of "back when." And that kid of yours had SUCH a baby face beneath that blonde hair!
Posted by: Green Girl in Wisconsin | October 10, 2012 at 11:49 AM
mine will be up next week! Darn Monday holiday :-) LOL that hair!
Posted by: Janet | October 10, 2012 at 02:14 PM
Love the expressions and the stances!
Posted by: lanes | October 10, 2012 at 04:14 PM