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October 09, 2012


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Their "Don't wanna be doing this" body language is a SCREAM. (as is the hair)

I'm a huge fan of this idea--the weekly photo explanation--and may try to chime in one week here or there. It's so cool, to sit and explain to others the moments so special you wanted to frame them.


I managed to get mine up a little late!


Jeremy Scott Wings

I'd like to read more from you,expecting your new articles. you can take a look my website: http://www.dailydeal-shoes.com/jeremy-scott-wings

gary rith

Haha, oh gosh, such excellent California hair!

Busy Bee Suz

I'm so glad you got your way!!! I agree, DB now looks like MVP back then!!! The HAIR!!!!!!!!

Claudia from Idiot's Kitchen

I love this idea. I'm going to have to see if I can figure out how to add a blog page to my website so I can play too. I give the guys a pass on the hair since NO ONE has good hair in high school photos. At least they don't have hockey mullets!


Oh my goodness, that is EXCELLENT hair. I am not sure what I enjoy more, the "Mom is making us do this" faces, or the hair...either way, great photo!!


Mine is finally up...http://jen-rantsraves.blogspot.com/2012/10/time-warp-tuesday-1.html

I love yours - the defiant expressions and body language, the hair, it all cracks me up! I'm glad you forced it on them. Can't wait to see more.

Karen (formerly kcinnova)

Awesome. Just awesome. Brothers and pictures, what can you say?

Wow... 5 years... I've been following you for a long time!

I hope to play along someday when I can devote the time to it. Right now, I'm focusing on some other projects and blogging is getting the short end of the stick.

Tonya Lynn

That is great!

My post is late but I decided this would be fun!


Smalltown Me

I love the story behind the picture!

Here's my contribution: http://smalltownmom.blogspot.com/2012/10/time-warp-tuesdays-nyc-2007.html


I love this pic---what a great story behind it!

Green Girl in Wisconsin

What a great way to preserve the memory of "back when." And that kid of yours had SUCH a baby face beneath that blonde hair!


mine will be up next week! Darn Monday holiday :-) LOL that hair!


Love the expressions and the stances!

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Cast of Characters

  • Danger Boy
    20 years old, plays water polo for Gannon University in Erie, PA. He's the strong, silent type. Studying PoliSci.
  • Grown-up Girl
    Dr. GrownUp Girl is happily home after finishing pharmacy school in Chicago. Busy building a post-student life with Dr. GrownUp Guy.
  • GrownUp Guy
    GrownUp Girl's husband and a most-excellent son-in-law. Oh yeah, he's Dr. GrownUp Guy, PharmD.
  • Mr. Fix-it
    Husband and father extraordinaire. He is gone more than he is home, but all his frequent-flyer miles keep this big family connected.
  • MVP
    23 years old, graduate of Colorado State Fort Collins with a major in Wildlife Biology and a minor in sustainability. He lives in FoCo with his girlfriend, Mandy, and their dog Rosy.
  • Social Butterfly
    18 years old, attends Northern Arizona University, majoring in psychology. She's my snuggle bug.

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