This is one of my favorite photos from our recent trip--for many reasons, one of them being because I earned it.
I am not going to lie, about 2/3 of the way up the trail (just under 2 miles to the top), I was tempted to throw myself to the ground and wail, "You CAN'T make me do this!"
Complicating the situation, there was the little matter of the fact that while I was not hung-over from the previous night's celebration, I was also not not-hung-over. If that makes sense.
I a persevere-er though, plus I had lots of encouragement from my fellow hikers; eventually, as all things tend to do, the hike ended. As also tends to happen with hiking, the minute we reached our destination drinking in the sights that are the reward for such exertion made the effort expended unequivocally worth it.
Along with the view, we were rewarded with a tasty lunch of sweet red peppers and hummus (my new snack obsession) and some no-longer-ice cold brews.
There was total humoring of me and my need to memorialize life via mega-pixels.
Did I mention there was laughter at the top of that rock (and the base of it as evidenced by the photo at the top)? There was. And really, what matters more than that in life?
It was a magical outing within a trip that was full of such moments.
When we finally came down, the "kids" were off to more graduation parties (three nights running--isn't it odd how what we used to be so fun now sounds like some form of torture?) and we had vague plans to go out to dinner with Mandy's parents.
What happened instead was another magic moment. I called Mandy's mother and said, "Idea--what if we just pick up a pizza and salad and bring it back to the house instead of going out?" The response was something along the sides of, "What a great idea" (it was the fact that both of us were on the same wavelength of utter relief at the prospect of an evening that required no makeup or shoes that made it special).
We capped off our day of embracing the laid-back, nature-focused vibe of Colorado with enjoying some delicious take-and-bake pizza, a gourmet salad and just enough rounds from Mandy's father's beer-of-the-month collection to make conversation free-flowing and lively (and then we got to bed by 10, which at this stage of life, can feel a bit magical itself).
Mr. Fix-it and I looking forward to our next visit (maybe this fall?), so we can check out MVP and Mandy's new digs (in August they move in together into a townhouse Mandy's parents own and will be renting to them) and to visit more with new friends. It's not a small thing to look at the life one of your offspring has created and to think, "Those are some damn fine choices you've made, son--and you couldn't have picked better people with whom to populate your new world."
I've also been "not-hung-over" so it makes perfect sense! Add in a wee bit of altitude sickness and you are a rockstar for making this hike.
I'd like to claim maturity for not wanting to go out socializing for multiple nights, but in my case it is probably creeping age and exhaustion. ;)
Posted by: Karen (formerly kcinnova) | June 30, 2013 at 05:19 PM
I love all the photos! And I completely understand the not-hungover/yet still slightly sluggish feeling after a night of a few beverages. Glad you made it up to the top, because it looks like a gorgeous view.
Posted by: lanes | July 01, 2013 at 08:28 AM
Oh, that looks like a great view. We're headed to COlorado at the end of July for a week of vacation in the mountains.
Glad you're living it UP this summer! And with fine people in every corner, too!
Posted by: Green Girl in Wisconsin | July 01, 2013 at 09:51 AM
Next time you come to CO, perhaps we could have a mini-Derf meetup? I would have suggested it this time but you had far to much going on. I would love to meet you in person, though.
Posted by: ilyanna | July 01, 2013 at 10:07 PM
Love the photos; totally worth the hike I'd say!
DB cut his hair. I'm sure you knew that, but I just noticed. :)
I totally get the not hungover-but not not hungover too; we are weird.
Posted by: Busy Bee Suz | July 08, 2013 at 04:20 PM