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January 21, 2014


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i've heard so many horrible things about ERs in Texas. i just can't believe they'd treat patients so poorly. i thought the point was "do no harm?" they're HARMING via neglect.

ugh. my heart goes out to this woman. :(


This is all so frustrating to read about! I do hope that young woman gets the care she needs.

Minnesota Matron

Oh my goodness, Jenn. What a nightmare on so many levels. You're fighting the good fight here: thank you!

Claudia from Idiot's Kitchen

Thank god she has you on her side. Thank you for helping Jenny.

Busy Bee Suz

This is just baffling to me. I'm so glad YOU and others are there to help those that really need it. Great work Jenn.

Rainbow Motel

Ironically, the caduceus was originally supposed to represent "no harm". Now it seems that it nothing more than a snake in the grass.


Sweet Jesus of Nonsense.

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