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March 28, 2014


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Busy Bee Suz

Happy birthday to you my friend!!! Your recent day(s) sound just perfect to me too. Best wishes for many more enjoyable days.

Smalltown Me

that's a great selfie! Happy Birthday!

Claudia from Idiot's Kitchen

Happy Birthday! The work you're doing now for ED is amazing.


And today, being your big day, you have found that 50 is pretty nice. I think you should continue celebrating right up to April 1. Take a break then try to help me celebrate 77 on April 3. :-)

gary rith

50 :) NICE job so far!!!!!!!!!!!!

suburbancorrespondent, who advises against going to the doctor once you are 50

Happy Birthday! Enjoy your cake!

Green Girl in Wisconsin

You look incredible--beautiful and happy.
Here's to a great year for you--I enjoyed reading this reflection on where you've been and where you're going.


Happy Birthday! 50 looks fabulous!

Karen (formerly kcinnova)

You make 50 look fabulous. Happy birthday!


I just sent you a FB message, because I didn't want to gush publicly. (I will say, though, that the scarf really brings out your eyes!)

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  • Danger Boy
    20 years old, plays water polo for Gannon University in Erie, PA. He's the strong, silent type. Studying PoliSci.
  • Grown-up Girl
    Dr. GrownUp Girl is happily home after finishing pharmacy school in Chicago. Busy building a post-student life with Dr. GrownUp Guy.
  • GrownUp Guy
    GrownUp Girl's husband and a most-excellent son-in-law. Oh yeah, he's Dr. GrownUp Guy, PharmD.
  • Mr. Fix-it
    Husband and father extraordinaire. He is gone more than he is home, but all his frequent-flyer miles keep this big family connected.
  • MVP
    23 years old, graduate of Colorado State Fort Collins with a major in Wildlife Biology and a minor in sustainability. He lives in FoCo with his girlfriend, Mandy, and their dog Rosy.
  • Social Butterfly
    18 years old, attends Northern Arizona University, majoring in psychology. She's my snuggle bug.

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