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June 29, 2014


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Karen (formerly kcinnova)

I get enough fat-shaming from people I know personally without getting it from a newspaper, and I am certainly well-aware that I am overweight. Heck, I've got picture proof! But shame doesn't help me become healthy and I doubt it helps most people -- or anyone.
When I read the Times article, I found myself nodding in agreement with half of the responses. (Did you read the comment from the 16yo who noted the economics of health?)
As for the rest of the comments in the Times article, there is most definitely some moral superiority rearing its ugly head, with judgmental words and attitudes being used as weapons against those people considered "less-than".

Complex interplay? YES! AMEN!

gary rith

Basically, people kinda need to worry about their own selves and stop pointing fingers at how others eat and live, really.

Green Girl in Wisconsin

I wish the focus could be on health in terms of people getting enough exercise (and this could include pedestrian friendly city planning, bike lanes, etc.) and eating enough fruits and vegetables instead of on weight. Seems to me that if folks focused on the first two, the rest would sort itself out.




This issue has hit me hard recently as I listened to my 12 year old (65 lbs) and 9 year old (60 lbs) talk about having 6 packs, and feeling bloated, and how their meal covered up their muscles. I've been retraining myself to not nag my older daughter to eat more and now I need figure out how to teach them that their strong capable bodies do not need reveal muscle structure!

Minnesota Matron

"Addressing the obesity epidemic at the personal level is ineffective, misguided, mean-spirited and wholly fruitless and the evidence is clear on this."

Should be the tag line on any conversation abotu this.

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