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July 27, 2014


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busy bee suz

So glad to see the update; all good stuff in your neck of the woods!
Did I sniff out 'baby news' might be coming?? :) Yippee-wishing them the best. I've always wanted to see a show at that amphitheater!!!!


Things sound fantastic, and I think you deserve that :-)

Jen on the Edge

There are so many things in this post that make me very happy. Thank you for the detailed update.

gary rith

Oh man, HUGE steps forward, congrats :)


I guess I'm not the only one to be glad about this update. I've missed knowing what you and your family are doing. Is Mr. Fix-it still working in SLC?

Smalltown Me

You are awesome at everything you do.

Green Girl in Wisconsin

Things HAVE changed a lot since we first "met" here...so proud of your promotion. I can well imagine how much you rock the job, you're a "pusher" and I bet your interns get lots of help through doors. And the rest of it--golden years now, aren't they? Kids thriving, social justice getting achieved, bucket list emptying drop by drop...


Congratulations on the new job - it is well deserved and of course you will rock it! Great to hear all your news. I've been missing you!


Well, clearly I was on a road trip and busy driving here and there--because I can't believe I'm just reading all of this now. You are correct: FB gives the highlights, but you strung together a bunch of dots for me here, in this post. Also: OMG, what a lovely shout-out at the end of your post!

So congrats on every last thing, from the promotion to the kids doing so well to your anniversary to being on fire in every aspect of your life. You are a marvel.


I know I'm late to the game but congrats on the job promotions!

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Cast of Characters

  • Danger Boy
    20 years old, plays water polo for Gannon University in Erie, PA. He's the strong, silent type. Studying PoliSci.
  • Grown-up Girl
    Dr. GrownUp Girl is happily home after finishing pharmacy school in Chicago. Busy building a post-student life with Dr. GrownUp Guy.
  • GrownUp Guy
    GrownUp Girl's husband and a most-excellent son-in-law. Oh yeah, he's Dr. GrownUp Guy, PharmD.
  • Mr. Fix-it
    Husband and father extraordinaire. He is gone more than he is home, but all his frequent-flyer miles keep this big family connected.
  • MVP
    23 years old, graduate of Colorado State Fort Collins with a major in Wildlife Biology and a minor in sustainability. He lives in FoCo with his girlfriend, Mandy, and their dog Rosy.
  • Social Butterfly
    18 years old, attends Northern Arizona University, majoring in psychology. She's my snuggle bug.

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