The profile of someone who will develop anorexia includes being a high achiever--I've actually never met cooler kids than in an eating disorder group. This wonderful young woman is in her fight right now. She was also in Washington D.C. lobbying with her mom (from Hawaii!). She recently did a beauty pageant to motivate herself to gain weight and spread eating disorder awareness.
I do not think the consumer, thin-focus culture causes eating disorders, but I do believe that every single one of us needs to learn to think critically about the influences in our world--and how they can brainwash us. I am impressed with this insight from 14-yr old Aislinn Carroll.
I can hear the banter of the emcees.
Girls are bustling around with their makeup teams
Practicing fake smiles
Fake tans
Butt glue
White teeth
Plastic boobs.
Identical 5-inch heels piled in a corner
We treat this like its normal?
Lined up like stock for slaughter
A number pinned to my hip.
My identity: a number.
A cheery song plays as we walk into the hot lights
Trying to get our eyes wide even though
Our retinas are being burned.
Beauty Hurts.
The judges are looking me up and down
Picking out every flaw.
Did I miss a spot when I shaved?
Did I not tone enough?
Did I eat too much?
Her skin is clearer.
Her hair is longer.
Her waist is smaller.
Her thighs are slimmer.
Her smile is brighter.
She is the winner.
I hold my face still as a pool of tears
Formulates in my eyes.
I pretend to be happy.
To love this girl who never acknowledged me.
She is complimented on her congeniality.
Even though she told me to hold off
On the cookies.
I realized what this all is.