Jenn @ Juggling Life, Green Girl in Wisconsin, San Diego Momma*
What do you get when you bring together three bloggers that were oh-so-excited to meet one another? Why big smiles, of course! Looking at this picture baffles me a wee bit though as I am positive that San Diego Momma is waaaaay taller than either Green Girl or me. And I know she’s not 5’1—which is what she’d have to be to be that much shorter than me!
What do you get when you add Green Girl’s good friend & SoCal host (and a school librarian) to the aforementioned blogger mix? Hours of discussion about books. Okay, we talked about movies and writing as well. And maybe we spent some time on bloggers we love, how we found each other and that sort of thing. And kids, we talked about kids.
But mostly? We talked about stories. The stories we love, the stories that influenced us, the stories we want our children to know, the stories we write and the stories we read and the stories we watch.
May I just say that talking to women who love the things you love is truly a delightful experience? Which is why the servers at Las Olas had to sweep around our feet as they closed down the restaurant!
Every time I meet a far-flung friend that’s come to me through blogging I am amazed and grateful at what great things the internet has wrought.
* I just noticed this as I was about to post—are we color-coordinated or what? And we even match the restaurant’s decor. File this under the heading of great brains think alike!